Friday 26 April 2013

Sheridan Illustration Grad Show 2013: All done!

This post is a week late because I've been busy packing for my move in a few days, but it's still good, it's still good!

The Sheridan Illustration Gradshow was a BLAST!  There were so many talented illustrators in our year, the show was really great.  A lot of family and friends came to support me, it was great to share the experience with them!  And my classmates are amazing; technicaaaaaaaal! The gradshow was so much fun because the people in our class are the best. I already miss class with Doug Donald and Kathryn Chorney. 

Total surprise and honour of the night was winning the Alumni Association award - wow.  It meant so much that out of all the talent in that room that the judges saw something in my board to award me anything, it was really surreal.  I was completely stunned and so grateful. Congratulations to the other award winners, you all totally deserved it!

Earlier this week an article came out from about the gradshow, "10 artists to watch from the Sheridan Illustration Show" and I was totally floored to be featured in that article as well.  Just wow!

Now its onwards to a new apartment in Toronto and hopefully finding a great new job!

Tuesday 9 April 2013

Sheridan Illustration Grad Show 2013

School's coming to a close and it's going out great with our Illustration Grad Show, a gallery show featuring all the graduates of 2013.  I'm super excited!  Details:
Opening night: April 18, 7-12pm
Open during the day: April 19, 3-9pm
Gallery: 99 Sudbury, 99 Sudbury St, Toronto (King & Dufferin)

Here's some peaks at what I'll have there, as well as my website:

Alex Redford Illustration

Friday 15 March 2013


Just discovered a new animal yesterday while doing research on hybrid animals.  This guy turned up because he looks like a snake.  It's an Olm! A kind of water salamander - it looks a LOT like its relative the axolotl, which I was already a big fan of.  It looks like somebody came and used the stretch tool on an axolotl to get this little guy.  Fell in love and had to draw him:

Sunday 10 February 2013

Pica disorder

Got really excited about creating an illustration about the psychological illness called Pica, the symptoms of which many have probably heard of but just didn't know the name of.  It's the disorder where the patient has an appetite, often compulsively so, for non-nutritive substances (non-food).  Common substances consumed are paint, clay, dirt, sand, metal and hair.  For more information, visit the webMD site.

I had a lot of fun working in this style, I'm really happy with the results :D

Friday 25 January 2013

It's cold out

I've been bundling up the last few days as the cold has hit.  Realized one day how ridiculous I look.  That's okay, at least I'm warm.

Tuesday 15 January 2013

Caricature of a Westley

We did interviews and caricatures of each other in class today - I did Westley (minitsaru)!

Gonna post some thesis stuff on here soon-times, just trying to ultra finalize stuff before I post it online for the world :)

Tuesday 4 December 2012

Owl's Sushi

I don't think I've made a blog post about my etsy shop yet, so here it is!  Lots of sushi and nerdy stuff :)  Come check it out:

Here are some pics of the stuff you can find there: