Friday 20 July 2012

Monday 16 July 2012

Warm Welcomes

On my way into work every morning at my internship at Imagineering, I'm greeted by two things.  The first is the golden arches on my way in to get my iced coffee for the day.  I just noticed the other day what the welcome sign actually looks like (note pidgeon "deterrent" spikes).  Sure makes you feel warm inside.

The inside of this McDonalds is actually really neat, it's the location at Bloor & Avenue Rd, across the street from the Royal Ontario Museum, so some of the wallpaper on the inside has dinosaur fossils.  I'll snap a picture next time. It also has 3 floors and a patio.

But then, just a few doors over at my internship, I'm greeted by the lovely fellow who stands right outside the elevators waiting to say hello (he's dress up for summer and Canada Day):

Wednesday 11 July 2012

Sketchy tomatoes

I've been busy at work and haven't done anything really creative other than some cooking.  However, I did start drawing one of my balcony tomato plants this past weekend.  Still have lots to do on it, but here's a little progress shot.

Sunday 1 July 2012

My Little Garden: Nature is Magic

I started a balcony garden this weekend!  I'm very excited, I had a small backyard garden a few years ago at my mum's house, but then we moved to an apartment.  I'm very happy to have a little garden back, I picked up some oregano, rosemary, chives, sage and TOMATOES.  Yay!

My plan for the holiday day off tomorrow is to start a botanical project illustrating each of my new plants.  Hope it's sunny again :)

Sitting outside with the plants makes me warm and fuzzy inside ^_^

BLOG. I has one?

So I've started a blog! Finally joined the Sheridan crowd.  I felt I needed to be accountable for my lazyness and having a blog that I need to post to or else I'll start to feel guilty about not posting seemed like a good start.  I've got half the summer left and I want to be as productive as I can.

Starting this blog has already got my in a super motivated mood that I hope I can sustain.  I'll be posting sketches, personal projects and school projects on here.  As well, I'll be posting just some awesome photos of whats going on it my life.  LESS-A GO!