Friday 26 April 2013

Sheridan Illustration Grad Show 2013: All done!

This post is a week late because I've been busy packing for my move in a few days, but it's still good, it's still good!

The Sheridan Illustration Gradshow was a BLAST!  There were so many talented illustrators in our year, the show was really great.  A lot of family and friends came to support me, it was great to share the experience with them!  And my classmates are amazing; technicaaaaaaaal! The gradshow was so much fun because the people in our class are the best. I already miss class with Doug Donald and Kathryn Chorney. 

Total surprise and honour of the night was winning the Alumni Association award - wow.  It meant so much that out of all the talent in that room that the judges saw something in my board to award me anything, it was really surreal.  I was completely stunned and so grateful. Congratulations to the other award winners, you all totally deserved it!

Earlier this week an article came out from about the gradshow, "10 artists to watch from the Sheridan Illustration Show" and I was totally floored to be featured in that article as well.  Just wow!

Now its onwards to a new apartment in Toronto and hopefully finding a great new job!

1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on winning the Alumni Association award! You've shown a great variety of work.
